Gluten free foods will include:
A list of gluten free foods will include foods that were made with theses grains, instead of wheat, rye or barley:
• Amaranth
• Arrowroot
• Corn
• Buckwheat
• Bean Flours
• Millet and Millet flour
• Nut Flours like Almond Meal
• Potato
• Quinoa
• Brown Rice and Brown Rice Flour
• Wild Rice
• Soy, I am not a fan of soy, but if you must use it make sure it's non GMO soy or non GMO soy flour
• Sorghum
• Tapioca
• Tef
A List Of Gluten Free Foods:
(Brands of these naturally gluten free foods need to be confirmed)- Butter. Naturally gluten free if there are no additives, otherwise check with the company, or contact me to check your brand.
- Milk. Naturally gluten free if there are no additives, otherwise check with the company.
- Cream. Naturally gluten free if there are no additives, otherwise check with the company.
- Buttermilk. Naturally gluten free if there are no additives, otherwise check with the company.
- Cheese and cheese spreads. Cheese by itself should be naturally gluten free unless something was added. I use Organic Valley Raw Cheeses.
- Cheese alternative. Try looking for gluten free labels to be sure.
- Cottage Cheese. Also need to check for other ingredients, unless it states gluten free
- Eggs and Egg Substitutes(list of gluten free foods). Always look for gluten free labels on these.
- Half & Half. Naturally gluten free but always look for additives.
- Hummus is a great source of protein. Naturally gluten free. We like Trader’s Joe Hummus and Pride.
- Margarine and Spreads. Even though naturally gluten free, look for gluten free brands only.
- Milk Chocolate(list of gluten free foods). Always look for gluten free brands here. Very often you may find gluten ingredients
- Sour Cream. Most of the time sour cream is naturally gluten free unless something else was added, so look for other ingredients.
- Sour Pickles. Most of the organic brands are your top choices for that, if unfamiliar with a brand look for other ingredients.
- Soymilk is on top of gluten free food lists. Not my choice of food for many reasons, but naturally gluten free but look for gluten free brands because often will find gluten ingredients.
- Flaxmilk is the great choice for dairy or milk subsitute. I also like the fact that flaxmilk has a little laxative effect and that helps many people with gut problems and constipation.
- Yogurt is part of gluten free food list. Very often now you may find wheat and gluten in yogurts, so look only for gluten free brands.
- Soy YogurtYou may find wheat and gluten in yogurts, so look only for gluten free brands.
- Almond Milk Yogurt is a great choice for gluten free food list. Most brands won't include gluten.
- Coconut Milk Yogurt is also a great choice for list of gluten free foods. Coconut is anti-inflammatory food which is great for anyone with gluten intolerance and so far I didn't see a brand that adds gluten into these.
- Some beers. Yes, there is gluten free beer for those who like beer. Naturally beer is NOT a gluten free product.
- Most carbonated drinks. Always look for gluten free label here. Quite often you will find wheat flour additives.
- Coffee drinks and mixes. Same for coffee drinks, you need to look for gluten free brands, but coffee by itself is a naturally gluten free product.
- Chocolate Drinks. These have to be verified with the company or just go with gluten free brand.
- Apple Cider is on top of gluten free food lists. Naturally gluten free food.
- Creamers and Flavorings. Always look for gluten free brands here.
- Energy Drinks. You want to make sure that there is no additives with wheat or gluten.
- Flavored Water. Most of the time it’s gluten free unless wheat or wheat products were added.
- Hot Cocoa and Chocolate Mixes. Many brands have gluten free labels for hot chocolate, but original hot chocolate recipes were gluten free.
- Juice Drink Mixes. Most drink mixes won’t have gluten but always read the labels.
- Juice and Fruit Drinks. Same would go here.
- Smoothies and shakes. If you make it at home from homemade ingredients then you know it gluten free. Otherwise, look for gluten free labels.
- Sport Drinks. Most of these are gluten free but always read labels.
- Protein Powder. These you would absolutely want to have gluten free labeled.
- Tea and Tea Drinks and Mixes. Look for ingredients in the mixes. If not sure, get a gluten free box.
- Baking Chips and Bars. Chocolate baking chips or bars are naturally gluten free but look for ingredients like wheat, rye or wheat products, etc.
- Baking Mixes. Always buy gluten free baking mixes. There are no options here.
- Baking Soda and Powder. Naturally gluten free, but even here look for other ingredients just in case.
- Bread Crumbs. Only gluten free labels, no other options.
- Cocoa Powder. If only cocoa powder is the only ingredient, it should be gluten free.
- Coconut is part of gluten free food list . Naturally gluten free food.
- Corn Syrup. Look for gluten free label because it can have gluten ingredients.
- Cornmeal is on top of gluten free foods list. Naturally gluten free flour substitute for gluten free diet.
- Flax Meal is a part of gluten free foods list. Naturally gluten free product. Make sure there no other ingredients added.
- Flours and Flour Mixes. Only gluten free flours and four mixes are your choices here. I love Bob’s, Storybook and Trader’s Joe gluten free mixes.
- Food Coloring. Look for other ingredients to make sure or just get gluten free product.
- Frosting. Quite often you will find gluten containing ingredients in frostings, so if you really don’t know choose Betty Crocker Vanilla Rich & Creamy Frosting which is considered gluten free product..
- Honey. Naturally gluten free unless cross contaminated. Check labels.
- Marshmallow. Always look for gluten free labels when getting marshmallows.
- Milk is part of gluten free food list. Naturally gluten free food.
- Molasses. Only gluten free brands will suit you here.
- Oil and Oil Spray. Most of oil is gluten free unless there was cross contamination.
- Pectin. Look for other ingredients, if not sure get Williams brand of Jel Ease-Pectin.
- Rice Syrup. Your great choice here would be Lundberg Family Farms organic sweet dreams rice syrup.
- Spices. Look for gluten free brands.
- Sprinkles. Only gluten free brands would be your options like Cake Mate sprinkles.
- Sugar( list of gluten free foods ). Naturally gluten free product.
- Starches. Cornstarch is naturally gluten free. A great choice would be Bob’s Red Mill starches like arrowroot, corn or potato starches.
- Whole Grains. Only go with gluten free whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, buckwheat, arrowroot, etc.
- Yeast. Look for gluten free brands.
- Beans( list of gluten free foods ). Beans are naturally gluten free foods.
- Bouillon. Look ONLY for gluten free brands.
- Broth. Same thing, look for GF labels.
- Chili. Look for gluten free unless you made it yourself.
- Cranberry Sauce. Naturally gluten free food, but double check other ingredients.
- Fruit is a part of gluten free foods list. All fruits are naturally gluten free.
- Meat( list of gluten free foods ). There is no gluten in the meat.
- Seafood. Natural seafood has no gluten. Imitation seafood almost always has gluten ingredients.
- Soups. If you make that soup yourself then you know it's gluten free. If you are buying in the store look for gluten free labels. If you are in the restaurant always ask.
- Stews. The same as soups. Most restaurants make stews with wheat flour for thickness. Always ask. Look for gluten free labels when buying un the store.
- Tomato Paste. Should be gluten free, but always double check.
- Vegetables. Naturally gluten free.
- Bread. When looking for gluten free bread, you have to only get bread with a GF label. We like gluten free bread options like Glutino or Udi’s Whole Grain Gluten Free Bread.
- Cereals And Granola. Only gluten free cereals and gluten free granola are your gluten free options. We like Erewhon gluten free rice cereal.
- Pasta and Noodles. Only gluten free brands are suitable like Notta Pasta.
- Pizza Crust. Only gluten free pie crust would do.
- Polenta. Naturally gluten free, like Trader’s Joe.
- Potato. Naturally gluten free food.
- Rice and Rice Mixes. Look for brown rice and gluten free.
- Taco Shells. Naturally gluten free but look for GF label.
- Tortillas and Wraps. The gluten alternative would have brown rice flour.
- Barbeque Sauce. Look for gluten free brands.
- Tamari Sauce. Make sure that there’s no added wheat.
- Chocolate Syrup. Naturally gluten free unless other ingredients added.
- Dip and Dip Mixes. Always look for gluten free options.
- Horseradish. Naturally gluten free food but double check the ingredients.
- Hot Sauce. Look for gluten free brands.
- Jams, Jellies and Preserves. Always look for gluten free options.
- Ketchup. Only gluten free brands will suit you here.
- Marinades. Look for gluten free brands.
- Mayonnaise. Only gluten free brands will suit you here.
- Mustard. Look for other ingredients to make sure or just get gluten free product.
- Nut Butter. Naturally gluten free, but some companies add other ingredients including wheat flour.
- Olives. Naturally gluten free food.
- Peppers. Naturally gluten free food.
- Pickles. Naturally gluten free food.
- Picante Sauce. Try looking for gluten free labels.
- Salad Dressing. Gluten free brands will suit you here.
- Salsa( list of gluten free foods ). Most of the salsa brands are gluten free.
- Sauerkraut( list of gluten free foods ). Sauerkraut is naturally gluten free and really good for you. Most of the brands do not add wheat ingredients.
- Sloppy Joe Sauce. Always look for gluten free options.
- Steak Sauce. Always read the labels and make sure there’s no barley syrup added.
- Taco Sauce. Only gluten free brands will suit you here.
- Vinegar. Naturally gluten free food.
- Worcestershire Sauce. Look for gluten free labels.
- Applesauce( list of gluten free foods ). Always read the labels and make sure there’s no barley syrup added.
- Beef Jerky. Look for gluten free labels.
- Candy and Chocolate. Most of the chocolate is gluten free.
- Cheese Puffs. You have to check the labels here.
- Chips and Crisps. Look for gluten free labels.
- Cookies. Look for gluten free labels.
- Crackers. Look for gluten free labels.
- Fruits. Naturally gluten free food.
- Dried Fruit. Naturally gluten free food. Always read the ingredients
- Fruit Cups. Read the ingredients. Some companies add barley syrup or wheat starch.
- Gum. Some brands have wheat syrup as a sweetener. Read the ingredients.
- Nuts, Seeds and Mixes. Nuts and seeds are naturally gluten free but mixes can have bits and pieces of wheat pretzels or wheat rods.
- Popcorn. Read labels.
- Pretzels. Look for gluten free labels.
- Pudding. Look for gluten free labels.
- Rice Cakes. Look for gluten free labels.
- Trail Mix. Many trail mixes have wheat ingredients.
- Baby Juice. Naturally gluten free. But always double check.
- Frozen Yogurts. Read the labels.
- Ice Cream( list of gluten free foods ). Look for gluten free labels since some companies add wheat ingredients.
- Frozen Foods( list of gluten free foods ). Look for gluten free labels.
- Potatoes( list of gluten free foods ). Naturally gluten free food.
- Bacon( list of gluten free foods ). Look for gluten free labels. Some brands add wheat starch.
- Beef( list of gluten free foods ). Naturally gluten free food. If you are not making it at home, ask the chef not add any flour.
- Chicken( list of gluten free foods ). Naturally gluten free food. If you are not making it at home, ask the chef not add any flour.
- Bologna( list of gluten free foods ). Check the ingredients. Some brands add wheat flour or starch.
- Hot Dogs and Franks( list of gluten free foods ). Always check the labels.
- Salami( list of gluten free foods ). Look for gluten free labels.
- Sausage( list of gluten free foods ). Look for gluten free labels.
- Tofu and Tempeh( list of gluten free foods ). Most of the time tofu and tempeh are gluten free. But always verify.
- Turkey( list of gluten free foods ). Naturally gluten free food/meat. If you are not making it at home, ask the chef not add any flour.
- Fish( list of gluten free foods ). Naturally gluten free food. If you are not making it at home, ask the chef not add any flour.
- Agave syrup is naturally gluten free. Most agave syrup labels "gluten free"; but double check.
- Vegetable chips and potato chips are naturally gluten free. You should read the ingredients for added wheat or other gluten ingredients.
- Sunflower seeds should be naturally gluten free. But I found a package of roasted sunflower seeds with wheat flour to make it less greasy. Read your ingredients, please.
- Pirate's Booty are baked rice and corn puffs, listing their product as "gluten free".
- Dark Chocolate called Blackout I love that stuff!But in moderation:)
- Chocolate Cupcakes labeled "gluten free" by Trader's Joe and Udi's. Vanilla Extract should have "gluten free" labeling, because of wheat, grain based alcohol concern.
- Raw Kale Chips are naturally gluten free. I really like Brad's brand
- Raw Cookies made by "Go Raw" company are gluten free.
- "Go Raw" also makes raw cereals that you can have with almond or flax milk.