Where can I find information about funding for individuals with disabilities?
Most forms of assistance for individuals with disabilities will come from charitable organizations or government assistance programs, rather than grants from foundations.
Below are selected web sites to find local resources or direct assistance. You might also ask your elected officials about assistance programs, or seek gifts or loans from family, friends, or community.
Additional resources to assist with personal needs are in our article, Where can I find funding for personal expenses?
Foundation Grants to Individuals Online is our searchable database of grantmakers that give to individuals.Please note that foundation funds for individuals are very limited and usually help to pay for education or to support artistic or research projects. If you use this resource, start with a Field of Interest search for “Disabilities OR Disabled”.
To search this database from your own computer, subscribe online. You also can use it for free at ourlibraries and Funding Information Network locations. This information is also available as a print directory.
For more information on resources specific to education, research or arts-related funding for individuals, please see the following Knowledge Base articles:
- Where can I find information about financial aid as an undergraduate student?
- Where can I find information about financial aid as a graduate student?
- How do I find funding for my research?
- Where can I find funding as an individual artist?
- Where can I find information about financial aid as a graduate student?
- How do I find funding for my research?
- Where can I find funding as an individual artist?
To learn more about resources for individuals with disabilities, selected resources below may also be helpful.
Web Sites
Wounded Warrior Resource Center (WWRC) | U.S. Department of Defense Provides wounded Service Members, their families, and caregivers with information they need on military facilities, health care services, and benefits. Trained specialists are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by phone at 1-800-342-9647 or by e-mail at wwrc@militaryonesource.com.
Books and Articles
Check title availability at our libraries and Funding Information Network locations or your local libraries.
- Financial aid for persons with disabilities and their families 2012-2014 , 2012By Schlachter, Gail Ann. El Dorado Hills, CA Reference Service Press 2012 . 510 p , Provides current information…
- Funding for persons with visual impairments : 2012 , 2012By Schlachter, Gail Ann. El Dorado Hills, CA Reference Service Press 2012 . 333 p , This large print…
- Financial aid for the disabled and their families 2010-2012 , 2010By Schlachter, Gail Ann. El Dorado Hills, CA Reference Service Press 2010 . 480 p , Provides current information…
Disability.gov’s Guide to Federal Government Grants
What Are Federal Government Grants?
Federal government grants are a form of financial assistance from a federal agency that is awarded to an organization, a state or local government agency or an individual for a particular purpose (e.g., to help low-income students pay for college or a technical school). Grants are not loans, meaning they do not have to be paid back. Very often grants are awarded to fund research or programs related to education, community development, energy, science and technology.
There are very few federal government grants for individuals, and those that are available are awarded for very specific purposes, such as helping students pay for their college education or funding scientific research and development. For more information, read Federal Government Grants for Individuals.
Here are a few “quick links” to get you started:
- Grants.gov
- Applying for Federal Government Grants
- DisasterAssistance.gov
- Grants for Students
- Recovery.gov
- U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Loans & Grants Search Tool
For more information about federal government grants, see below.
Grants.gov has information about more than 1,000 grant programs that visitors can apply for grants on its website. The Grants.gov User Guide offers detailed instructions for every step of the federal government grant application process. Use the search tool to find grants by keyword, category and agency. You can also learn abouteligibility criteria, read answers to frequently asked questions and subscribe to receive email notificationsabout new grant opportunities.
There are also private and nonprofit organizations that can help you find grants from non-government sources. For example, the Foundation Center has information on more than 108,000 foundations, corporate donors and grantmaking public charities in the United States, including more than 3 million of their recent grants. The Center’sFoundation Directory subscription service is the most popular way to search the site’s database. The directory includes information about grants to individuals for many different kinds of support, including scholarships, fellowships, loans and internships; arts and cultural support; research and professional support; and general welfare and special needs.
- Where Can I Find Information on Federal Government Grants for Individuals?
- Where Can I Find Information on Federal Government Grants for Government Agencies, Organizations or Educational Institutions?
Where Can I Get Help if I Am Low-Income?
Grants.gov does not give money to help people pay their bills. Federal government grants are not the same as benefits, such as Social Security disability benefits or those offered through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as Food Stamps. To find out which government benefits you may be eligible to receive, use the Benefit Finder on Benefits.gov.
For information about fixing credit problems or getting out of debt, visit USA.gov. You can also readDisability.gov’s Guide to Financial Help for Low-Income Individuals & Families to learn about federal and state assistance programs that may be able to help you pay for the necessities of life, such as prescription drugs, food and utility bills.